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Tisha Be'Av Evening from 1980
00:00 / 48:48

Hazzanut & recordings

Shavuot Recordings
Mizmor for Shavuot Rabbi Varon
00:00 / 06:03
Ketubah de la Ley Reverend Benaroya
00:00 / 04:35
Book of Ruth Reverend Benaroya, Sam Maimon, Leo Azose
00:00 / 03:10
Azarot Day 1 - Besion Maimon
00:00 / 01:00
Azarot 2nd Day - Bension Maimon
00:00 / 02:31
Purim - Megilat Esther recordings by Ben Sion Maimon

Fruticas Parts

Apples in Hebrew
Apples in Ladino
Dates in Hebrew
Dates in Ladino
Figs in Hebrew
Figs in Ladino
Grape juice in Hebrew
Grape juice in Ladino
Nuts in Hebrew
Nuts in Ladino
Pomegranates in Hebrew
Pomegranates in Ladino
Mizmor 120
Mizmor 121
Mizmor 122
Mizmor 123
Mizmor 124
Mizmor 125
Mizmor 126
Mizmor 127
Mizmor 128
Mizmor 129
Mizmor 130
Mizmor 131
Mizmor 132
Mizmor 133
Mizmor 134
Pesah - Seder Recordings by David Maimon and Mo Azose
Seder Kadesh Urhatz_David Maimon
00:00 / 00:26
Seder Ha Lahmaanya_David Maimon
00:00 / 00:26
Ha Lahma Heb/Ladino Mo Azose
00:00 / 00:52
Seder Ma Nishtana_David Maimon
00:00 / 00:43
Seder Avadim Hayinu_David Maimon
00:00 / 00:41
Ma'ase and Amar Ribi Elazar Mo Azose
00:00 / 01:01
Barukh HaMakom & 4 Sons Mo Azose
00:00 / 01:22
Yachol until Birchush Gadol Mo Azose
00:00 / 01:37
Hee She'amda until Erom VeErya Mo Azose
00:00 / 01:54
Vayareu until Ve'et Lachaseinu Mo Azose
00:00 / 00:47
Vanitzak until Otam Mo Azose
00:00 / 01:19
Vayotzeeyenu until Ashan Mo Azose
00:00 / 02:04
Davar Acher until BeAchava Mo Azose
00:00 / 00:45
Seder Dayenu_David Maimon
00:00 / 01:23
Nishmat_of_the_Hagadah_Pesah_David Maimo
00:00 / 05:16
Rosh Hashanah - The Jewish New Year
Kiddush Erev Rosh Hashana_Frank Varon
00:00 / 02:06
Kiddush Rosh Hashana Day_Frank Varon
00:00 / 01:01
Kamti BeAshmoret_Frank Varon
00:00 / 03:54
Ben Adam_Frank Varon
00:00 / 02:52
Adonai Melech_Frank Varon
00:00 / 02:44
HaEloheem_Frank Varon
00:00 / 01:59
Rosh Hashana Second Day Aliyah_Frank Varon
00:00 / 01:15
Va’titpalel Hanna- First Day Rosh Hashanah_Frank Varon
00:00 / 01:59
Taameh HaMiqra Haftara_Frank Varon
00:00 / 01:01
Ahoth Ketana_Frank Varon
00:00 / 03:17
Piyut Yedeh Rashim_Frank Varon
00:00 / 02:18
Shabbat and Weekday Tefillah

Our community has recorded and documented much of its distinguished and unique Ottoman-Turkish liturgy. Listen to Sephardic Hazzanut recordings from holidays, Shabbat, and weekday services, which we still practice today and teach to the next generation growing up in the SBH community.


This section consists of excerpts from the prayers recited during services in various traditional Makam (plural, Makamim), a distinct series of notes, or mode, characteristic of the ancient music of Turkey from where the synagogue’s roots are founded.

Friday night tefilah
Adonai Malach Tagel Haaretz_Yossi Babani
00:00 / 01:02
Hashem Malach Geut Lavesh_Yossi Babani
00:00 / 00:38
Mizmor Letodah_Yossi Babani
00:00 / 00:28
Shiru Ladonai Shir Hadash_Yossi Babani
00:00 / 01:11
Yehee Hasdecha Shabbat Day_Frank Varon
00:00 / 03:09
Adonai Malach Yirgizu Amim_Yossi Babani
00:00 / 01:02
Lechu Neranena_Yossi Babani
00:00 / 00:57
Mizmor Shiru Ladonai Shir Hadash_Frank Varon
00:00 / 00:52
Friday Night Kiddush_Frank Varon
00:00 / 02:20
Baruch HaShem Asher Natan Menuha_Frank Varon
00:00 / 02:27
Kiddush Shabbat Day_Frank Varon
00:00 / 01:32

Featured are some of the greatest compositions by Sephardic scholars of the Middle Ages who were not only master rhetoricians with biblical and rabbinic texts, but also master composers of poetry as well, whose messages through poetry and music are timeless.


The sound and music provided here comprises the Sephardic Bikur Holim Congregation liturgy, biblical recitations, and its cultural music stemming from its Turkish origins, specifically for various Jewish holidays. Also provided here are selected poetry chanted on various holidays throughout the Jewish calendar and composed by some of the greatest Sephardic scholars and composers of the middle ages.

Shemini Atzeret & Simhat Torah
Mizmor for Shemini Atzeret Rabbi Varon
00:00 / 01:35
Hallel Simhat Torah_David Maimon
00:00 / 06:25
Maftir Simhat Torah_Yossi Babani
00:00 / 01:05
Haftara Simhat Torah_Yossi Babani
00:00 / 02:06
Shabbat and Yom Tov Zemirot
Veimru Hoshienu_David Azose
00:00 / 01:06
El Nekamot_David Azose
00:00 / 01:14
Track NameArtist Name
00:00 / 01:04
Aromimchah_David Azose
00:00 / 01:06
Vehaya_David Azose
00:00 / 00:32
Lamnatzeach Mizmor Ledaveed_David Azose
00:00 / 01:28
Ranenu Tzadikim_David Azose
00:00 / 01:40
Ledaveed Beshanoto_David Azose
00:00 / 01:59
Tefilah Lemoshe_David Azose
00:00 / 01:43
Yoshev Beseter_David Azose
00:00 / 01:24
Mizmor Shiru Ladoni Shir Chadash_David Azose
00:00 / 00:56
11-Shir-Lamaalot-Eisa-Einai_Simhat Torah
00:00 / 00:42
Shir Hamaalot Ledaveed Samachti Simha_David Azose
00:00 / 00:50
Shir Hamaalot Elecha Nasati_David Azose
00:00 / 00:34
Shir Hamaalot Ledaveed Lulei Adoni_David Azose
00:00 / 00:43
Haleluya Halelu Et Shem Adoni_David AzoseArtist Name
00:00 / 01:44
Hodu Ladoni Ki Tov_David Azose
00:00 / 01:46
Mizmor Shir Leyom Hashabbat_David Azose
00:00 / 01:25
Adoni Malach Geoot Lavesh_David Azose
00:00 / 01:25
Yehi Chevod_David Azose
00:00 / 01:28
Ashrei_David Azose
00:00 / 02:02
Haleluya Haleli Nafshi_David Azose
00:00 / 00:59
Haleluya Ki Tov_David Azose
00:00 / 01:38
Haleluya Halelu et Adoni_David Azose
00:00 / 01:17
Haleluya Shiru Ladoni_David Azose
00:00 / 00:49
Haleluya Halelu el Bekodsho_David Azose
00:00 / 00:38
Baruch Adoni Leolam_David Azose
00:00 / 00:26
Vayevarech Daveed_David AzoseArtist Name
00:00 / 01:55
Vayosha + Az Yashir
00:00 / 03:32
Shir HaShirim - Song of Songs
Shir HaShirim 1_David Maimon
00:00 / 02:18
Shir HaShirim 2_David Maimon
00:00 / 02:31
Shir HaShirim 3_David Maimon
00:00 / 02:03
Shir HaShirim 4_David Maimon
00:00 / 02:35
Shir HaShirim 5_David Maimon
00:00 / 02:39
Shir HaShirim 6_David Maimon
00:00 / 01:43
Shir HaShirim 7_David Maimon
00:00 / 02:10
Shir HaShirim 8_David Maimon
00:00 / 02:36
Pesah - Seder Hazzanut by Rabbi Frank Varon
1 Order of the Seder
00:00 / 00:39
2 Kiddush
00:00 / 02:07
3 Ha La'hma 'Anya in Hebrew
00:00 / 00:35
4 Ha La'hma 'Anya Ladino
00:00 / 00:43
5 Ma Nishtana
00:00 / 00:52
6 'Avadim Hayeenu lePhar'oh
00:00 / 04:22
7 Mite'hila 'Avdeh 'Avoda Zarah
00:00 / 02:07
8 Tseh Ulmad
00:00 / 05:26
9 Ve'avarti BeEretz Mitzrayim
00:00 / 02:44
10 Ribi Yoseh HaGalili
00:00 / 02:30
11 Dayenu
00:00 / 02:02
12 'Al A'hat Kama veChama
00:00 / 03:21
13 Lefichach Ana'hnu
00:00 / 03:16
14 Zecher LaMikdash
00:00 / 00:20
15 Qu'en Supiense
00:00 / 08:09


Office: 206-723-3028


6500 52nd Ave South

Seattle, WA 98118

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