Sephardic resources
Hazzanut and Recordings
Our community has recorded and documented much of its distinguished and unique Ottoman-Turkish liturgy. Listen to Sephardic Hazzanut recordings from holidays, Shabbat, and weekday services, which we still practice today and teach to the next generation growing up in the SBH community.
Turkish Jewish Recipes
The flavors of Jewish Turkey evoke nostalgia and memory in congregants young and old. Here, we have compiled an archive of bourekas, bulemas, and other delicacies that frequently grace a celebratory SBH kiddush to celebrate happy occasions. Cook along with some of our favorites here.
Ladino Words & Phrases
Ke kere dezir? What do you say?
Learn a few words and phrases in Ladino, also known as Judeo-Spanish, which is the native language of our community. Ladino still actively used in our religious life and spoken by some congregants. It is a beautiful language that holds many cultural gems and nuances of the Turkish Jewish trad!